Crowd Tamers

Key Points:

  • Strategic Luck

  • Rogue Waves

  • The AI Revolution

  • Preparing Your Business for the New AI World

  • The Future is unpredictable. Jonathan Tells you how to be ready to be ready

Most Direct Competitors

Ross Dawson

Gerd Leonard

Brian Solis

Jim Carroll

Peter Sheahan

Radhika Dirks

Adam Cheyer

Vivek Wadhwa

Byron Reese

Salim Ismail

Mike Walsh

Peter Diamandis

Amy Webb

Nancy Giordano

Jeremy Gutsche

Thomas Frey

Nikolas Badminton

Glen Heimstra

Tan Le

Andrew Busch

Ben Hammersly

David Houle

Rohit Bharghava

Brett King

Peter Hinson

Kevin Surace

Greg Verdino

Pablos Holman

Jack Ullrich

Daniel Burrus

Erik Qualman

Neil Jacobstein

pascal finette

Adam Grant

Ethan Mollick

Shelly Palmer

Nikolas Badminton

Gerd Leonhard

Chris Barton

Business Innovation

Peter Sheahan

Geopolitics and Economics

Peter Zeihan

Annie Duke

Salim Ismail

Ian Bremmer

Rita McGrath

Erik Brynjolfson

Tech Futurism

Peter Diamandis

Amy Webb

NicK Thompson

Thriving in Change

Cassandra Worthy

Angela Duckworth

Adam Grant

Probability, Uncertainty and Decision Making

Hans Rosling

Live Boeree

Ray Dalio

Future-Proof Your Business

AI On Your Org Chart

Strategic Luck

ABC News End of Year Special

Longer Videos

Take the LEAD

Flip Your Kayak Faster

Shorter Videos

Leadership Communication

Organizational Grit

Rise of Asia

Labor and Automation

Captaining vs. Coaching

Captaining Your Ship

Giving Better Direction

Critical Thinking

The Cookbook Problem

The Four Tools to See Tomorrow



Innovation Bingo

Miscalculation of Risk

Accelerating Innovation

Resilient Growth Strategy

Work With the Tide

Rogue Waves

More Armor Doesn’t Make You Stronger

David and Goliath are the Same

The Octopus Organization

Social Videos

Note: Crowd Tamers posted many videos on LinkedIn and Youtube Ads.

They are not here. The fonts are all over the place in those videos and I am generally unhappy with the production quality. That said, they give us a perspective on what is getting attention.

Here is a link to my LinkedIn Videos


“An actionable framework for driving change instead of being blindsided by it.”

—Adam Grant, #1 New York Times bestselling author of THINK AGAIN and host of the TED podcast WorkLife


Rogue waves—radical systemic changes—are hitting business harder, faster and more often. Their violent impact has changed how companies win at strategy. Everyone gets hit by them, but some companies ‘flip their kayaks faster’ and take share while their competition simply try to tread water.

Some organizations consistently outperform their peers when rogue waves hit. They have developed ‘Systematic Intuition’ through simple, practical enhancements to their decision making process.

You can future-proof your business to survive and profit from radical change. Join tens of thousands of executives at organizations like HP, Zoom, Samsung and the United States government who use Rogue Waves’ evidence-based frameworks, The ABCs of Resilient Growth, to maximize foresight, active risk and opportunity management.

This must-read survival guide gives you a practical action plan to:

  • Capitalize on the 10 economic, technological, and social undercurrents most likely to collide and reshape the business world

  • Implement techniques that all managers at any level can use to turn sudden risks into outsized opportunities

  • Create a culture of entrepreneurship, experimentation and adaptation.

  • Learn and scale the leadership skills and processes that will help transform you companies into a more resilient and adaptable organization

Timely, important, and essential, Rogue Waves equips you with the predictive tools you need to take advantage of uncertainty, turn chaos into profit, and control your future, so that your company thrives―while your competitors are washed away.
